Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Windows Media Player 11

Pasti udah pada tahu software yang satu ini kan? Tapi WMP versi berapa yang dipake? 9 atau 10? Nah, buat yang masih pake versi 9 dan 10 sekarang bisa upgrade ke versi 11 nih...

-Simplicity In Design - Bring a whole new look to your digital entertainment.
-More of the Music You Love - Breathe new life into your digital music experience.
-All Your Entertainment in One Place - Store and enjoy all of your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV.
-Enjoy Everywhere - Stay connected with your music, video, and pictures no matter where you are.

Tertarik? Silahkan download Disini

oleh-oleh Arifin Santoso

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